Monday, January 3, 2011

Sighting on Jan 1st

On New Year's Day, which thankfully was warmer than normal, we posted additional flyers throughout the neighborhood describing little Toby's plight. That night I received a call reporting a sighting of him on Baish Dr.

Based on this, we established two feeding stations to entice Toby to return to a certain place each meal time keeping him in a smaller, safer area and to aid in his capture.

 Here is an aerial view of the sighting location and the feeding station that has been set up:

Track of Toby's Scent

On Dec 31st, Sam and Salsa of Pure Gold Pet Trackers tracked Toby's route as displayed here. They determined Toby prefers paved surfaces to grass, and short, trampled grass to tall grass. When faced with an obstacle or opportunity to change direction, he chooses to go left. He made a large (and dangerous) 5.5 mile loop and returned to his neighborhood area.

As I am new to this you will need to click on the picture to see the entire track.